FAQ #16
What Calibration Services do you offer? Apart from warranty repairs, calibration and servicing, done directly at Picotest, we work with Precision Metrology, a calibration…
FAQ #15
What injectors should I order? Most users purchase cost saving “bundles” and we have several to choose from on our website. Please see Injector…
FAQ #14
Please specify what is the maximum AC injection signal voltage and current for the J2120 Line Injector? We need to measure PSRR of our DUT…
FAQ #13
Which measurements (Output impedance Vout/Iout, audio susceptibility Vout/Vin, input admittance Iint/Vin and reverse transfer Iin/Iout, loop gain are we are able to perform utilizing our…
FAQ #12
Is it possible to also measure the audio susceptibility (Vout/Vin) of a power supply with the current injector J2111A? Yes. The J2111A is a small…
FAQ #11
Are all of these devices compatible with our Hewlett Packard 4194A Impedance / Gain-Phase Analyzer? Yes. The Agilent (HP) analyzer will work well with our…
FAQ #10
What are the main differences between J2100A injection transformer, J2110A solid state injector and the J2111A current injector? The J2110A is a solid state voltage injector,…
FAQ #9
My Bode plot doesn’t look right, what am I doing wrong? The most common error made when measuring Bode plots is that the signal…
FAQ #8
Why do I have to calibrate my measurements? Isn’t the equipment calibrated? Yes the devices are calibrated, however for accurate results you still need…
FAQ #7
How do I choose between the J2100A, J2101A and J2110A? If you plan to measure PFC’s, then the J2100A is a good choice, whereas…
FAQ #6
Why do I need the J2111A if I already have an electronic load? The J2111A is not the same as an electronic load. In…
FAQ #5
How do I get a Bode plot with the J2111A? It is not possible to get a Bode plot using this method, only the…