Signal Integrity Journal Webinar Series

Title: How Oscilloscopes Will Evolve Over the Next 5 Years

Date: May 5, 2022

Time: 8am PT / 11am ET

Presented by: Steve Sandler, Managing Director, Picotest 

I receive many questions about measuring power rail noise: Do I really need to use a power rail probe to measure ripple and noise? Power rail probes are single ended, so does that mean I can only monitor one power rail at a time? Are there other, more affordable options available? In this blog post, I am going to answer these questions. 

There are plenty of posts on making your own budget probe. I do not recommend this for a variety of reasons, such as ­uncertainty in the results, lack of calibration and certification data, and safety issues. It is also a poor use of expensive engineering time. Because of this, I only considered off-the-shelf probes in my testing.

The questions I get are generally related to mixed signal and application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) boards, so I’m going to limit our discussion here to power rails of 5 V or lower, with the assumption that we want to see the direct current (DC) voltage on the screen. This definition disqualifies the use of DC blocks, which in some cases are a valuable and viable solution for improved sensitivity or higher voltages. BEWARE, NEVER EXCEED THE INSTRUMENT RATING, EVEN WITH A DC BLOCK.

To quantify and compare solutions, figures of merit are defined that can be scored and weighted. For the purposes of measuring power rail noise, appropriate figures of merit include:

  • Bandwidth / flatness
  • Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR)
  • Dynamic range
  • Sensitivity
  • Noise / signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
  • DC offset
  • General usability
  • Cost…