April 8, 2016: Wokshop set for 20th IEEE Conference on Signal and Power Intergrity – Turin, Italy, May 8th 14:00 – 17:30
Power integrity is important to the entire system performance and consists of much more than power distribution noise. This Power Integrity session provides an understanding of power integrity, why it is important, how to design for it, and it teaches techniques for high-fidelity simulation, analysis and measurement. The goal is to enable you to better isolate, troubleshoot, and optimize power related issues.
Who Should Attend
PCB designers, VRM designers, signal integrity engineers, power integrity engineers and anyone involved in PDN design will receive an introduction to power integrity and the latest tips and techniques for flat impedance designs. Join Heidi Barnes Keysight Senior Applications Engineer and Steve Sandler, CEO of Picotest for this 3 1/2 hour long workshop.
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