Passive 10:1 Probe PML 111O
Product Information
The PML 111O is a passive 10:1 probe manufactured by PMK, optimized for the use with Bode 100. It features a unique 1 milliohm design for the AC-coupled inputs of Bode 100.
Note: Standard passive probes will not divide the DC portion of the signal when connected to an AC coupled input! The PML 111O will also divide DC during AC coupling.
Use the PML 111O to:
- Perform highly accurate loop gain measurements
- Reduce capacitive loading of your circuit
- Protect the input channels of your Bode 100

Key Features and some technical data
- Compact 2.5 mm probe design
- 1 milliohm || 12.5 pF input impedance for lowest noise
- Exchangeable gold plated spring-tip
- Attenuation ratio: 10:1
Delivery includes qty 2 of each
- Probe PML 111O with spring tip and protective cap
- Solid probe tip (CuBe 0.5 mm)
- Ground lead & ground spring-contact
- Sprung hook
- BNC adapter
- Isolation cap
- PCB adapter kit
- Color-coding rings (3×4 colors)
- Printed user-manual in English language