Power Supply Rejection Ratio Measurement
PSRR for Opamp and Voltage References
PSRR is an important parameter to measure for Opamp and votage references. PSRR is a significant performance concern as even small amounts of high frequency ripple voltage at the input can significantly degrade the output precision of voltage reference and impact downstream circuitry. The output of the Op Amp is not only a function of the inputs, but also of the power supply.
The PSRR of Voltage Regulators
Articles & Documents
Picotest Bundle Supports Tektronix, Keysight, Siglent, and Rohde & Schwarz Scope FRA Features – Bode Plots and PSRR Testing
July 22, 2019 Phoenix, AZ: Picotest.com, a leader in high resolution test and measurement equipment, has released a new ‘FRA Bundle’ of signal injectors…
Picotest Expands Line of PSRR Line Injectors Adding Inductor and Input Impedance Testing
We have released a new line injector for PSRR (power supply rejection ratio), DC-biased inductor, and DC-DC converter input impedance testing. The J2121A is…
Techniques for accurate PSRR measurements
By John Rice, System Engineer, Texas Instruments and Steve Sandler, Managing Director, Picotest IntroductionIn theory, measuring the power-supply-rejection ratio (PSRR) is relatively simple. A…
Measuring Op Amp PSRR
In this article we detail the process of measuring a key performance characteristic of operational amplifiers (Op Amps), power supply rejection ratio or “PSRR”,…
Measuring the PSRR of Voltage References
In this article we detail the process of measuring a key performance characteristic of voltage references, power supply rejection ratio or “PSRR”, using the…
Step-by-Step Guide to Measuring PSRR Using a Network Analyzer and the Line Injector
This application note shows how the Power Supply Rejection Ratio, or PSRR, of a linear voltage regulator (LM317) can be measured using the Picotest…