NISM Support

INFO: Software is delivered via email. Please request the version of interest.

LINKS: NISM Introduction | NISM Software Information
NISM User Manual, v2.0 (All NISM Versions) | NISM User Manual for Cadence PSpice, v2.0

NOTE: The NISM software license is for a single user. Sharing and redistribution is strictly forbidden. License Agreement

NameDescriptionVersionDateGet It
NISM for PSPICECadence PSpice® Simulation Software1.02024/7/1Request
NISM for ADSKeysight ADS® Simulation Software1.02023/7/29Request
E5061B NISMKeysight E5061B/E5071C VNAs2.02014/11/12Request
ZNL/ZNLE NISMRohde & Schwarz ZNL/ZNLE VNAs2.02018/9/13Request
CMT NISMCopper Mountain VNAs2.02015/3/26Request
Scope NISMTektronix Oscilloscopes1.04th Quarter 2023Request
Standalone NISM EXEExecutable NISM .exe for your PC Desktop – Converts Output Impedance to Phase Margin1.04th Quarter 2023Request