Benjamin Dannan, Signal Edge Solutions and Steve Sandler, Picotest

Published in Signal Integrity Journal

A two-part series of posts, firstly determining how much CMRR is needed and then a demonstration of how to create a DUT and make a 40 µohm impedance measurement.

Read the full publication in Signal Integrity Journal by following the links below.

The Challenge of Measuring a 40 uohm (2000 Amp) PDN with a 2-Port Probe: How Much CMRR is Needed? | Signal Integrity Journal

In this blog, Steve Sandler and Benjamin Dannan demonstrate how to determine how much CMRR is needed when introducing a ground loop isolator to correct the error in a 2-port measurement. 

The Challenge of Measuring a 40 µohm, 2000 Amp PDN With a 2-Port Probe: The Measurement Result | Signal Integrity Journal

Having determined the amount of CMRR needed for 2-port measurement in the previous installment of this blog, Steve Sandler and  Benjamin Dannan return with a demonstration of how to create a DUT and make a 40 µohm impedance measurement with the 2-port probe.