Power Integrity
Measuring, Optimizing, and Troubleshooting Power-Related Parameters in Electronics Systems
Chapter 2
How to Design for Power Integrity: Finding Power Delivery Noise Problems, June, 2015
This video provides an understanding of how the voltage regulator module (VRM) interacts with the printed circuit board planes and decoupling capacitors within a power distribution network (PDN). A well designed PDN provides optimum system performance while a poorly matched designed PDN can result in poor system performance. In the extreme case, rogue waves can occur within the PDN generating much higher voltage noise levels than expected, potentially interfering with system performance or resulting in permanent damage. Recommendations for keeping the impedance flat are also provided.
Chapter 3 & 4
How to Design for Power Integrity: Measuring, Modeling, Simulating Capacitors and Inductors, November, 2016
Power supply switching ripple and control loop phase margin are dominated by the output inductor and the bulk capacitors. Simple RLC capacitor and inductor models can result in a design with more capacitors than necessary adding to the design cost, consuming valuable circuit board real estate and degrading the control loop performance. Most capacitor datasheets provide very limited information, such as maximum ESR at 100kHz and not the desired information regarding typical values and frequency dependencies of the C, ESR, and ESL. This short video will show how to make these measurements efficiently and how to use the results directly or create high fidelity measurement based models for simulation in ADS.
Chapter 5
How to Design for Power Integrity: Selecting a VRM, May 5, 2016
Many signal and power integrity issues are the result of poor VRM selection. This critical selection is often made arbitrarily due to insufficient, incomplete or incorrect data. Costly design time and multiple board spins can be minimized by following a few simple guidelines and performing a few simple simulations and measurements early in the process. This video explains why one should avoid Voltage mode VRMs and shunt compensation for the VRM Error Amplifier. The better performance of a current mode VRM with series compensation for the Error Amplifier is clearly demonstrated with simulations and measurements.
Chapter 6 & 7
How to Design for Power Integrity: DC-DC Converter Modeling and Simulation, April 7, 2017
Creating a model from a datasheet isn’t an option since much of the data required isn’t published. Fortunately, a measurement based model (MBM) can easily be developed using just a few, simple measurements. The model supports AC, DC, Transient, HB and EM simulations allowing fast, real-time optimization of the VRM design. 1. The LM25116 with Voltage Amp Feedback (a buffered OTA) 2. The Simple LM20143 with Output Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) Feedback 3. Multiphase Operation with the TPS40140 4. Building the Power Integrity Eco-System with VRM and PDN Models.
Chapter 8
How to Design for Power Integrity: Optimizing Decoupling Capacitors, June, 2018
Learn how to optimize decoupling capacitors for the best cost vs. performance using flat target impedance design methods. Impedance peaks caused by parallel L-C resonances in the power distribution network (PDN) are potential sources of power rail ripple and increased EMI. Bulk capacitors must be selected to ensure power supply stability while high frequency decoupling must insure the required bandwidth at the Load. Simple SPICE simulations fail to account for PCB parasitics and often result in the wrong selection of decoupling capacitors. Utilizing EM models of the PDN and combining them with power supply state space average models and the spectral requirements of the load result in good agreement with measurements. Optimizing this PDN ecosystem shows that designing for flat impedance is the best way to achieve the lowest noise on the power rail with the minimum number of capacitors.