P2105A (S10 Version) for Transient Load Step Testing

Picotest’s line of transient steppers enables testing of high-speed load current transitions. The product line provides load step testing orders of magnitude faster and higher than previously available. The S10 probe head, coupled with the P2105A probe handle allows you to browse multiple power rails and apply a step load.

Key Features

  • High speed load current pulse
  • Up to 10A load current steps (peak)–P2105A with S10 Head
  • < 500ps Switching, DC–50MHz, 100us dwell time
  • Wattage < 200W peak, <1W avg., Voltage 0.8V–72V, < 10A
  • GaN-enabled–Orders of magnitude faster edge speeds than other solutions, nS load steps possible
  • On and off control, user-defined (at time of purchase) load current step, scales with power rail voltage
  • High-speed excitation for tight spaces
  • Custom-designed single resistor solution
  • Average power dissipation determines the supported maximum duty cycle
  • Load steps at VRM bandwidth–Very low loading capacitance, Superior to electronic loads
  • Spring pins for easy landing (70mil) -Short pins and integrated, but removable, PDN cable for low coupling and optimum shielding
  • Hand-held browser style for repeatable and easy probing; Handle design fits most probe holders
  • Slim low-profile housing for comfort and visibility


  • Load step current pulse testing
  • Control loop stability testing

S10 Load Stepper Probe Head

The S10 under 10A low-duty cycle (1%) solution is a hand-held browser-style probe format using the P2105A handle with a specialized probe head using a form factor that fits into tight places (70mil pin pitch). The open-loop current step is a single pre-defined current step, determined by the custom resistor selection and the power rail voltage being stepped. The step is performed by opening and closing a GaN switch inside the probe. Therefore the probe must be connected to a voltage source to be used. The baseline load current value is set at the time of purchase for a specified voltage-current combination resulting in fixed resistor value inside the probe (appropriately selected for derating purposes by Picotest technical support). The probe can be used at other voltages and the current (pulse) will scale accordingly. The S10 probe is triggered by a CMOS/TTL compatible signal (5V 50 Ohm signal, SMA or BNC connector) that essentially shorts or opens the resistive connector to cause the load current step. The2outputpins (+/-)are placed across the power rail. The current step(current sinking into the positive pin) mimics the control signal. The rise/fall time will be near instantaneous due to the speed of the GaN switch. The actual current rise/fall time will be a function of the interconnecting parasitic and will normally in the nS region.

P2105A Board
P2105A-based S10 fast load stepper. The probe is placed on the output capacitor or blank pads and load step is triggered via a user-applied control signal. The head has a 70 mil pitch. The step (I for a specific V) is user-definable at the time of purchase, though the performance can be scaled for different voltages.

What’s Included

  • S10 Transient Load Stepper Probe with single fixed load step (resistor value defined during checkout; additional probe heads sold separately)
  • P2105A Probe Handle with One (1) 1m SMA or BNC-Mini SMP PDN Cable®
  • 1 Year Warranty

P2105A (S10 Version) for Transient Load Step Testing